I'm updating now....
I am bleeding inside.
7:04 PM
Liverpool VS Sheffield United
I am bleeding inside.
12:54 AM
I watch Just Follow Law & Norbit. Both are really nice show & It's funny la huh! I love the show silence. It's so touching and I know that Vic Zhou will die in the end, so cry. Francesca is being sucha ass by saying that I had never give her a proper birthday present. It really weird that my cousin is msg~ing my dad about the football match tonight which is liverpool VS i don't know but liverpool is leading. GO GERRAND!! Kick their ass man. Okay, someone told me that my used to be eye-candy got a crush on me. Haha. But she's just an eye-candy to me, nothing else. Went back to PL to collect sch mag and saw D*Z*R!!!! She's so pretty but her hairstyle don't suit her. And she always remind me of the song "I want candy" by Aaron Carter. Anyway, going to watch silence now. BYE!!
I am bleeding inside.
12:22 AM
Today is Bro's 21st birthday. He is now a man. Haha. Going to Thai Village at Kallang later. I'm damn tired. Slept around 3+ and woke up at 9. Watched this show called silence acted by Vic Zhou. He's not bad looking too. And the female lead is from korea who acted in "da chang jin". She's so pretty lah. Unlike puineh, like to act cute. Haha.
I am bleeding inside.
5:14 PM
First, Happy Lunar New Year(: This year's angbao $ very little man. Anyway, now WE(cheryl & I) know who is puineh's one & only. Haha.
I am bleeding inside.
12:03 AM
Ended lesson at 11 today cause there's no IKP. Was supposed to meet puiling for lunch but end up we didn't meet up cause I'm really tired and I don't feel like going out. Watched Night In The museum, really nice & funny show. Why when Pri & Sec sch are celebrating CNY, I have to do practical?! Piece of shit man, Sat went sentosa w Oblivions. The BIG RED BALL (SUN) was that bright and hot that I have got sunburned real badly and the skin on the back is starting to peel like my face did for the past few days. I really don't like it & starting to feel irritated about you. Why are you always complaining about my good fren when she helped you so much. Anyway, met TY today and he started talking about what happen between him & NAT. NAT, maybe you should give TY a chance to explain. Anyway, Velicia says she maybe coming back to visit for a week. I miss her so much. Still remember she told me that why she hates oranges. Haha. See ya. BYES!
I am bleeding inside.
7:50 PM
Fuck them bitches man. I don't know what the fuck went wrong, so do you bitches. What you guys should do is just shut the fuck up!! I'm not going to blog what went wrong the past few days. I felt like shit and It's irritating me. I don't wanna waste my time on these craps, Ir's full of bullshit and It's wasting my time. At times I'm really sick of life and I'm afraid that in the future I will be an asshole who will betray my family and frens for my selfishness. It seems like there's no motivation in life. But thank god I still have frens like you guys lending me a hand when I'm about to fall. Thanks NKM, your msg saying that you don't allow me to die until I'm 50 years old. I love you guys.
I am bleeding inside.
12:06 AM
Hello babes!! Well, first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHOEBE LAUW SHUSHU!!! These few days of school are great? Jabez was dumb funny ytd cause TL wasn't in school, he started asking everyone to go away for no reason and he kept disturbing Robert. The food I cooked ytd was the best of all. And we ended super early. Tml got practial man!!! I think I will just drop died tml. Attend my funeral evrybody!! This should be enough for today lah huh!
I am bleeding inside.
8:43 PM